AE246 Assemblies Eaton Aeroquip High Pressure Hose AS1339

AE246 High-Pressure Lightweight Hose Assemblies

Note: Images are representative of the series of hose and may show incorrect pressure or other lay-line information.

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Max Oper PSI

Min Burst PSI

Min Bend


 AE246-4 Hose Assembly 
 AE246-4 w/ Firesleeve 
.212 .385 3000 16000 1.5 .108
 AE246-6 Hose Assembly 
 AE246-6 w/ Firesleeve 
.298 .480 3000 14000 2.5 .147
 AE246-8 Hose Assembly 
 AE246-8 w/ Firesleeve 
.391 .610 3000 14000 2.88 .240

 AE246-10 Hose Assembly 
 AE246-10 w/ Firesleeve 

.485 .715 3000 12000 3.25 .320

Sizes in Inches, Weight in pounds. Min burst at room temperature.

AE246-12 meets the performance requirements of AS13339 but not the O.D. dimension of AS1339 (The O.D. is dimensionally smaller)

     Inner Tube: PTFE inner tube
     Reinforcement & Outer Cover: 
     AE246 has 2 braids of Type 300 Series stainless steel woven wire braid which acts as it's reinforcement and cover. Braid reinforcement is Eaton Aeroquip's advanced technology Hi-Pac(r) brad reinforcement which offers:

  • Up to 50% lighter in weight
  • Considerably smaller envelope size
  • 50% tighter bend radius
  • Improved flexing characteristics
  • Proven high performance
  • Proven 'Super-C' crimped fittings

Operating Temperatures:
     -67 F to +400 F
     -55 C to +204C


Identification bands showing specification number, manufacturers code number, operating pressure, assembly date and other required information.

Application in High Pressure and High-Temperature Service:

Eaton's PTFE hose is unaffected by fuels, lube oils, coolants or solvents commonly used in aircraft applications. Superior vibration resistance, low volumetric expansion, and high-temperature resistance make it ideal for hydraulic systems. 


The product line of AE246 hose has a PTFE tube, which is designed to eliminate electrostatically induced hose failures. The tube is capable of conducting a direct current equal to or greater than 6 micro-amps in sizes -4, -6, -8 ; 12 microamps in -10 and size and up, with a potential of 1,000 volts.

AE246 hose is recommended for normal 3000 psi hydraulic systems with impulse peaks up to 4500 psi. 



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